Future Vision:
Stories of Our Brilliant Tomorrow
Take a journey to 2070 to a world transformed by technology, sustainability and people power
About the book
Future Vision is a glimpse into a brilliant future. Our optimism is grounded in science; we blend evidence and research with leaps of faith and imagination. We want readers to bask in the feeling of 2070, knowing that even though it is now just a vision, it could become real. There are chapters covering everything from transport to AI, citizenship to rewilding, energy to oceans, wellbeing to space.The story of the future is told by the character of Kit, a 12 year old living in 2070, her friends, her family and her trusted AI pal, Rafiki. Each chapter includes a cartoon story of Kit living her life in 2070 - where does she live? What does she do for fun? What does she eat?! We also visualise the future world, describe concepts from mind-boggling new technology to our wonderfully rich and restored natural world. Timelines - the pathway of events from now to the future - tell the story of how we get from today to 2070.Future Vision is a book for grown ups as well as children. We hope it will spark a million great conversations about the future - how we want it to be and what we will do to make sure we get there.
Why we wrote this book
You might not realise it but we are living in a unique and incredible time. The 2020s are the first time humans have had the knowledge and ability to create a wonderful world, a world just how we want it to be. We could call it a civilisational opportunity. We are so lucky to be alive at this moment!This might sound surprising. When we look at things close up, like day to day, there’s loads of awful stuff. There’s our heating planet, our wildlife in trouble, there are wars. When we watch the news, it can feel like the world isn’t moving in a positive direction. But what we miss when we look close up are the big changes - changes that happen slowly over decades rather than years. Changes that slowly build and grow til you can’t believe what they have become.That’s what this book is about - all the incredible positive steps that have already been taken in our lifetime, which will build and develop into a really beautiful and exciting future. It’s about our future vision of the wonderful world of 2070.Welcome to 2070!
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